Welcome to the Camano Island Mosquito Control District!
Camano Island Mosquito Control District Continues to Protect Public Health
The mosquito district remains active monitoring and abating mosquitoes. The Camano Island Mosquito Control District continues to update and monitor existing and new mosquito producing sites.
You can make substantial contributions to your own safety by following “the 3 D’s”:
• Drain: Empty out water containers at least once per week
• Dress: Wear long sleeves, long pants, and light-colored, loose-fitting clothing
• Defend: Properly apply an approved repellent such as DEET, picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon-eucalyptus or any other EPA-registered repellent
| English Boom Preserve is one of the many areas that can now be enjoyed by everyone thanks in part to the Camano Island Mosquito Control District. The English Boom area was virtually unusable due to a severe mosquito infestation in 1995-96, The infestation affected many residents on the north end of Camano Island and was one of the reasons the mosquito district was formed. Mosquito larvae continue to thrive in this area. We have mapped mosquito larvae sites and continually monitor and abate mosquitoes using an Integrated Mosquito Management approach. Through our abatement activities we have kept the mosquito population in check allowing nearly bite free access to this beautiful part of Camano Island.